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N'shama BBG #2391 Platform Database
​Welcome to N'shama BBG #2391's platform database! These are intended to be used as inspiration, not to be copied. We hope these can be helpful as you prepare for your election!
If you have any questions about the position you are caucusing for/any election-related questions please contact us without specifying what you are running for and we will put you in contact with our N'siah.
Platform Requirments
1. It must be two colors, and two colors only
a. when using a pattern for the background, it can be partially transparent as long as the original color is either that of the background or the text
2. Your qualifications (or koala-fications)
a. Organize your qualifications using the following categories: N'shama BBG #2391, DC Council #54 and Northern Region East, and the International Order
b. list all board positions and what you accomplished that term under it, all conventions, summer programs, council and regional events, chapter sleepovers, and any chair position (this includes dccln,)
c. If you have planned/steered any convention, sleepover, or notable program, (ex: stand up, mit rush, chapter Kallah, ect.) use a denotation (any symbol) and put it next to the things you have planned
3. Your goals and ideas
a. each position has a different set of things that they are in charge of and your platform should include ideas in the categories of things that the position you are running for is in charge of.
b. look at platforms on this website for your position to get ideas and to get a better understanding of what sections you need.
4. Your letter to the chapter
a. This is a paragraph that you write on your platform in which you address the chapter. things you would write would be why you want to run, what inspires you, something connected to your theme, a story about your BBYO experience, ect.
b. at the bottom of this you must include a "submitted with undying love," an outline of this is as follows:
Submitted with undying love for [insert random things you love or anything related to your theme], my heart and home N'shama BBG #2391, and every single one of you, (note: this is not mandatory but almost everyone adds it)
I forever remain [your full name], a Damn proud candidate for your [insert the upcoming term] [insert the position you are running for]
5. It must be standard printer paper size (8.5x11)
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Things you can't do on platforms
1. Use more than two colors
2. Cut shapes in your paper
3. Add any stickers, feather, paper, etc.
4. Add more than two pages (one printed page front and back)
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