The Constitution of N’shama BBG #2391
I. Name & Status:
N’shama BBG #2391
DC Council
Northern Region East
Mascot- Klassie the Koala
Colors- Black and Turquoise
Song- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Movie- 10 things I Hate About You
Game- Never Have I Ever
Brother Chapter- Lantos AZA #2539
Sister Chapter- Beyla BBG #2546
II. Officers (ranked in order):
Must be elected by a majority vote.
Section 1. Officers:
Aym Ha Chaveirot (MIT Mom)
Shomeret Ha-brit (Sunshine Girl)
Section 2. Duties:
N’siah- President; runs chapter meetings; runs executive board meetings; overseas executive board; assists S’ganit in appointing chairs; keeps in touch with office and advisors; gives communications to Mazkirah; serves as an unofficial member of all committees.
S’ganit- Vice president; oversees chairs and committees; shall assume all duties of the N’siah in her absence; appoints chairs in consultation with N’siah.
Aym Ha Chaveirot- In charge of retention, recruitment, and education of members.
Shlicha- Promotes our Jewish heritage; keeps chapter updated with what is happening with Israel and the world; establishes relations with the Israeli delegation; promotes Israel and Tzedakah; oversees community service and social action programming.
Gizborit- Handles the chapter’s money and checkbook along with advisor; collects dues; in charge of chapter fundraising; promotes I$F.
Mazkirah- Responsible for obtaining communications from N’siah and sending them out to chapter; can be more than one.
Katvanit- takes minutes and roll call at every meeting;
Shomeret Ha-brit- Sunshine girl; makes cards for members; says the opening and closing prayers before and after every meeting; responsible for general spirit in chapter. Spring term sunshine girls are second semester seniors in good standing.
-A member in good standing is defined as having attended 3 programs/meetings in the previous term.
Madricha- Past N’siah; acts as an advisor/counselor to the N’siah.
III. Chairs (Can be more than one):
Section 1. Names:
Section 2. Duties:
MBA- Mind, Body, Attitude; plans programs oriented towards improving members' physical and mental attitudes.
Calling Chair- Calls members with communications; obtains information from Mazkirah.
Council Chair- Goes around to meetings to advertise chapter fundraisers/events.
Spirit Chair- Makes convention clothing; keeps chapter spirit high.
IV. Meetings:
Section 1. Meetings should be on a weekly basis, unless otherwise decided by N’siah.
Section 2. Chapter meetings are ran by N’siah unless not present, then S’ganit will assume all the duties.
Section 3. Executive board meetings will be decided when and ran by N’siah.
V. Elections:
Section 1. Elections take place during the winter in January, and in the spring in May/June.
Section 2. Voting:
Must be a registered member to run or vote.
Quorum needed (half plus 1 of chapter members must be present).
N’siah does not vote unless there is a runoff.
Majority vote wins.
Section 3. Every candidate for a position will be asked the same 3 questions in a runoff and
have 1 minute to answer each one (Meet the Candidates).
Section 4. Platforms:
Size of paper- 8 ½ x 11”.
No color fonts; no stickers unless to seal platform shut.
Can be on front and back of paper.
Section 5. Installations- Done by N’siah at the designated time, usually at or close to her states.
VI. Motions, Amendments, Ratification, Additions:
A motion must be made and brought up at a meeting. Must then move into a discussion and vote. Only registered members can vote, and N’siah does not vote unless there is a tie. Majority wins.
VII. Termination and Replacement of Officers/Chairs:
Section 1. Termination:
Only if officer is not following through with her responsibilities.
A motion must be made (follow the process above for making motions).
â…” vote to pass.
Section 2. Replacement:
If it is an officer, a re-election for that office is held.
If it is a chair, applications for that chair will be done.
VIII. Lifetime:
Section 1. All seniors meeting the following qualifications will receive a chapter lifetime
Must be a member in good standing of N’shama BBG #2391 for at least two years.
If not a member for two years, seniors will vote. That person only gets one hour.
Section 2. Each person who has been a member for two years will automatically get one
hour. Extra time will be given based on the following point system. Each point equals 30 minutes.
N’siah- 3 points
S’ganit- 2 points
MIT Mom- 2 points
Shlicha- 1 point
Gizborit- 1 point
Mazkirah- 1 point
Katvanit- ½ point
Sunshine girl (not including second semester senior year)- ½ point
Section 3. There must be a 3 and ½ hour maximum time limit for life deliveries.
IX. Dues:
$5 each year for every member along with the national dues.
X. Good and Welfare:
Section 1. Rules/Policies
Everything said in Good and Welfare is completely confidential and can only be discussed afterwards if the member who said it initiates the conversation.
Starts with N’siah- then continues in descending order by age.
Each member begins her Good and Welfare by saying “For the good and welfare of N’shama BBG”
Section 2. Violation of rules
If the policies are violated, the N’siah or Advisor will decide consequences.